Roller coaster enthusiasts have a term for the brief period of time right after a roller coaster has gone up the first hill, but before it is about to start that first descent, where they’re waiting in anticipation and excitement for that thrill ride to begin.
They call it “the moment.”
And it made me wonder how many times we go throughout a day where there are pleasurable things we’re about to experience but instead of pausing as they do on a roller coaster, we just dive right into it.
For example, I’ve noticed patrons in a restaurant will sometimes start eating a meal before they’ve even looked at it.
Or how people jump into their car and get ready to drive but don’t seem to pause for even a second to think about what they’re doing.
One reason we tend to dive right in is because we go into a kind of light trance when we’re doing routine things daily. It’s the brain’s way of being efficient when we’re doing the same thing over and over again, especially when it’s a physical action.
We’ve done it so many times, we don’t really think about it.
But what if for those pleasurable things we did pause and think about it? Just like the moment before the roller coaster ride? And anticipate what was about to happen?
So, when the meal is being served, what if we took just a moment to appreciate how it looks and the wonderful aroma before we pick up our fork?
Or before we take a drive, prepared ourselves for all the wonderful, cool, or exciting things that we might see?
Or before we eat that first piece of chocolate, you really think about how delicious that’s going to be?
If we are able to do that – to take that moment – I think it would make life a lot more enjoyable. It could make life juicier and feel like a much more exciting ride.
I hope you’ll try it, and that there many moments for you like that today.
While the idea of a long-term fight against the coronavirus — and, consequently, long-term social distancing guidelines — doesn’t rattle some, many of us have found ourselves tired and a little queasy feeling from the topsy-turvy emotional roller coaster of the pandemic so far.
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