In ancient times, there was something called a “touchstone.”
This was a dark colored stone was used to determine the purity of gold or silver that was scraped across it, based on the color that it would produce.
In life, you can be a touchstone for the people that you care about by reflecting back to them the qualities they have that you find to be valuable, just like gold and silver.
It’s rare in life to have people who do that for us, and that’s why I’m recommending that you do it for other people.
This can be particularly powerful to the ones closest to you, because that observation, that sharing, that mirroring, that touchstone you can provide is coming from someone who knows them well.
When you share with someone you care about how much they mean to you and the awesome qualities they possess, don’t be surprised if they do the very same thing for you.
Question: What other ways do you share with others how they’re important to you?