There are messages all around us in the universe and I believe it’s our job to make meaning out of what those messages are. For example, I have a friend named coffee and coffee often has a little message for me on the side of the container.
In this case, it’s a Pete’s Coffee Decaffeinated House Blend, don’t judge!
And it says in the tasting notes,” lively and balanced with a crisp finish, easy to love.”
I think that’s probably a good way to be in life, lively.
People are interested in people who are lively.
Balanced, having a balance in life between work and play, and other things.
And easy to love is a nice thing to be in life, also.
And although I joke about making meaning out of some of these random things in the universe, maybe they’re not so random after all. And that when we take something that seems random, like a message on the side of a cereal box or a coffee container, or just about anything, maybe what makes it relevant is applying it to something that we are grappling with right now, and for me, balance is truly important. Balancing work and being away from work, balancing friendships and family and other kinds of things that I look for in life that add to it and make it juicier and better.
So, I encourage you to look for the messages that are all around you in your life and don’t be surprised if there’s something out there that speaks to you, it may not be random after all.