I read an article about a concept in the Netherlands that translates roughly as “walking in the wind” and how much they enjoy that and get benefits from walking in the wind.
The physical and emotional benefits of both de-stressing, but also the energy that one gets from the wind, especially after exercising in the wind, is not only free, but it’s also infinite. This made me reflect on how often in books and movies and music, and so many other aspects of the arts, that wind has this tremendous power to help us move on, and to provide us with energy to move past something. Even that term “the wind in my sails” or “the wind in our sails”, has been so powerful.
For me personally, there’s been so many times in life when I was having trouble and a friend or a colleague or even in some cases a stranger, provided some support that gave me the energy to move past something that was bothering me. All of us have that.
Each one of us has the capacity when we see somebody who needs a little help, to provide that support, and it’s good to know not just that we have that capacity, that we can be the wind and the sails for somebody else, but to realize that the source of that power that we have is infinite.