Many people are familiar with the story from Greek mythology about Pandora’s box.
The gods give Pandora, who’s the first human person, this box, and they tell her not to open it; curiosity gets the best of her, and she opens the box, and all these evil things come out into the world because of that.
People are accustomed to using this as a warning to people who are about to do something that might cause bad things to happen, by saying,” You don’t want to open a Pandora’s box!” The less well-known part of the story is at the end, and that is that at the bottom of the box, the last creature left, is hope – this solution, this thing that can take away all the other evil things that came out before it.
It’s awesome that we have that to use ourselves because hope is such a buffer against despair, gives us the confidence that things will turn out. It’s the antidote to all these bad things in the world, and to know that we have that, to know that the last thing that we have is the most important thing, that we can use that to help us cope with almost anything that comes our way is a really powerful thought, indeed.