When I was growing up, it was not uncommon if teachers or parents saw us sort of slouching down in our chair to say, “Sit up straight!” And I’m not exactly sure what they wanted more than making sure that we had good posture, but they may have been more right than they realized. There is this elegant interaction between the mind, the brain, and the body. And a lot of times when we’re kind of slouched down, we almost have this tendency to curl in on ourselves, and that’s not a very energetic pose to take,
If you are reading this right now, if you adjust how you’re sitting, to sit up a little more straight, and a little more alert, it sends a signal to the brain that you are.
And we’ve talked before in other blog posts about how smiling can make you happier just by smiling because of this feedback system in the brain and the mind, so if you are feeling a lack of energy during the day, check your posture, and if you find that you’re a little hunched over, maybe getting too close to the ground as you lean forward, try sitting back up straight just like our parents or teachers would have told us, “Sit up straight!”
And with your head straight, and eyes forward, see if that doesn’t immediately improve your energy, your focus, and possibly even your attitude.