I read an article recently that had a list of signs that it might be time to leave your job.
Among the more compelling things on that list, were feeling like you’ve achieved everything you want to achieve in that role.
Second, that you are feeling like you want to avoid the job entirely.
And the third is just a sense of burnout that you no longer have the energy to keep doing it.
The author suggests that these signs don’t necessarily mean you should leave that job right away, but it might be a sign that it’s no longer fulfilling a core purpose, and in my view, a match for your values any longer.
So before hitting the eject button you may also want to talk with the employer or reevaluate your own role and what you’re looking for in life to see if there are some changes that could be made to make it a better fit for your purpose.
If it isn’t possible to do that, then it may truly be time to look for something new, somewhere else.