In a business journal published by the Wharton School, they looked back at two studies that had to do with whether money can buy happiness. And in looking back and reconsidering the data that was there, the takeaway was that if somebody is already happy, more money can make them happier and if somebody is fundamentally unhappy, more money doesn’t move the happiness needle very much.
I think it’s left up to the reader to decide what to make of all that.
In my own experience, people who are happy also tend to be grateful for the things that they have, no matter how much that is, and so having more money could make them even more grateful.
For the unhappy folks that I know, I don’t know that there’s necessarily one thing that defines what makes them unhappy, but I have noticed that the expectation that something external like money can change that unhappiness into happiness, often doesn’t happen.
A friend of mine is fond of saying “happiness is an inside job”, and so for folks who aren’t feeling as happy as you’d like, it’s possible that looking within to find sources of gratitude, happiness, and joy in life will be a much more productive pursuit than looking outside.
Considering the idea that ‘happiness is an inside job,’ how do you personally cultivate a sense of gratitude and joy in your own life, regardless of external circumstances? Are there specific practices or mindset shifts that have helped you find contentment and fulfillment from within? And if there are practices you’ve adopted how long did it take before those became regular habits? Share your thoughts!