In the house I grew up in, the front door was sort of permanently swollen shut, and every time I went to open it, or anyone else did for that matter, you had to really yank on it to get it open. My parents had it repaired one day, but didn’t tell me, and when I went to open the door, I almost knocked myself out because it just opened right up without my having to pull on it very hard.
I was glad that the repair was done, but I admit that it took a little while for me to adjust to the fact that I no longer had to yank on this door to open it up.
I think it’s a metaphor for what happens in life sometimes when a problem we’re having gets solved. But I noticed sometimes people put pressure on themselves to immediately adapt to that, whether they’re getting over a bad relationship, or they left a job that wasn’t good for them.
I hope you’ll give yourself some time in life when something bad is now removed from your life to adapt to that. Like that stuck door sometimes it can take a while to get used to the thing that’s better.