I’ve been using a popular navigation app on my phone for years to get from point A to point B, and it’s super useful, particularly in a place where I might not be familiar or if I’m traveling somewhere pretty far away from home.
I have noticed though there are times where the route that the navigation app recommends, goes in a way that doesn’t seem the most direct route to get to where I’m going. And often I discover later, by kind of mapping it out myself, a much better way to get there.
I think it’s sort of a metaphor for life.
When you’re traveling in life through territory or an issue or circumstance that you haven’t been through before, it is very helpful to check in with someone you know who’s been down that road before, and can help you navigate through that situation. At the same time, I think it’s important to kind of map things out yourself to discover your own way as well because that may more naturally match your intuition, your style, and your values.
Don’t be surprised if you map it out yourself, if you don’t find a really good way to get where you need to go in life.