I was listening to a recording of a relaxation exercise the other day and near the beginning, the facilitator said something like, “See if you can make yourself 10% more comfortable.”
I thought that was an amazing suggestion for a few reasons.
Most of us upon hearing that will try to figure out a way to make ourselves 10% more comfortable. Not that we can necessarily measure that, but it’s a small enough increment that we would try it, but enough that we would notice it. And I started to think about other areas in life where I could apply myself and that advice in a similar way. If I listened to a friend 10% more attentively, or if I was working on a project at work, if I could increase my focus by 10%…
It’s always helpful when we have someone else making that suggestion or asking that question, but it’s so powerful when we think about all the things that we could apply that to, to be 10% better or to have 10% more of a really good thing.