The other day I asked Alexa what the key to happiness is, and Alexa said, “I’m sorry I don’t have an answer for that.”
I’m not sure I have an answer either, but there are two things that had that occurred to me that are extremely important for having a happy life.
One is to be in the moment, to be present and mindful of what’s happening right in the moment that keeps other thoughts at bay, and often times when we’re thinking about the past, particularly disappointments or things we can’t control in the future, we get anxious or upset about that, and so by staying focused on what’s happening right in the moment, we stay more connected to what’s right there in front of us.
And that relates to the second point, which is being grateful for the things that we have. For me, I do a gratitude exercise each day where I try to think of on my way out to my car, all the things I’m grateful for starting with health and just feeling okay physically, and move on from that to the people in my life that I am grateful for. When you stay focused on the moment and think about what you’re grateful for every day, I think that goes a long way to feeling happy in life.
I’m grateful for having access to your continuing string of pearls of wisdom.
Thank you so much!