Yes, I can review MBTI® results for you, as long as they are from the actual test, and not a look-alike. If I suspect what you filled out wasn’t the Myers-Briggs®, I’ll let you know that right away.
I’ve seen online Myers-Briggs tests that are free … are they for real?
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® is a trademarked tool. There are a number of companies that offer look-alike tests, and they may even use the Myers-Briggs name or something similar to it to create confusion. They are trying to deceive people into thinking that they are taking the Myers-Briggs®, when you’re being offered something else. (This […]
I want a Myers-Briggs® program for my entire team … how is that arranged?
An orientation will be prepared that is tailored to your team. Participants will be able to take the Myers-Briggs® online, and they’ll get individual and team reports. Individual reports are reviewed one-on-one, and there is a workshop for the entire team that teaches about the use of type in making teams more effective. It also […]
I just took the Myers-Briggs® last year. Is it too soon to take it again?
There are several versions of the MBTI®. Some give very basic results, others provide a detailed and valuable analysis of your preferences. Before you take it again, I can review your most recent report and give you an idea of whether or not it would be beneficial to get a more complete picture of your […]