I don’t know if you’re one of those people who, when you see something in your everyday environment like a product label or bill board or anything, might take that as a personal message and find some meaning in it.
I am one of those people.
I don’t know what that says about me. And if you do that, I don’t know what that says about you.
I don’t have the answers to everything.
But Starbucks makes a coffee in a packet. It says “instant and micro ground coffee.”
That’s not the message that I’m talking about.
The side of the box was facing out on our shelf here at the office in greater downtown Wynnewood and on the side of the box it says “Balanced and Nutty.”
And I think that’s a good way to be in life.
You want to have balance, work and play, beach and mountains, whatever balance makes you happy. But being a little nutty is kind of cool, too.
I think people enjoy being happy and laughing … and
nuttiness can do that.
And even if people have nut allergies, they can still have a nutty personality and not be allergic to that at all.
As I was looking at the Starbucks instant coffee box earlier I also noticed that it said “balanced, smooth and rich.”
That’s not a bad way to be either. In fact, it sounds kind of nice.
As you see things today in your environment, whether it’s the side of a package, or maybe it’s your cereal box, or something on the side of the bus or maybe a traffic sign – I hope you take some meaning from that and that and that it enriches you in some way.
The universe is filled with great messages. All we have to do is pay attention.