Russell Conwell was a Baptist Minister, a philanthropist, an attorney, an educator and the founder of Temple University in Philadelphia.
He was well known for giving a speech many times called “Acres of Diamonds”.
The essence of that speech was that people often mistakenly believe that to be successful, or find prosperity or their fortunes, they must travel far away because they won’t be able to get that at home where they live.
And he felt that was a mistake.
That if people believed and had the mindset that there was abundance all around them, that if they put in a little extra effort and perseverance, they would find acres of diamonds lay at their feet, that those things are right around them.
I believe that very strongly, and I’ve seen so many examples in my life of people who put in that effort in the area where they lived, the business that they were in, or by connecting with successful people around them that transformed their lives, for the better.
I think if you have that open mindset, that belief, that prosperity and abundance and wonderful things are all around you, and that you have that desire to put in a little extra effort and perseverance, that you’ll find Conwell was right, acres of diamonds lay at your feet, too.