There’s an old joke about a guy who goes to his doctor and says, “It hurts when I go like this.” The doctor says, “Stop doing that!”
It reminds me that there are so many things in life that we do that cause irritation or upset to ourselves, or that we allow, it could be a bad relationship, bad situation at work, or some bad habit that we want tom change, and although it is somewhat as simple as to “stop doing that”, there are three things I can recommend that will help you actually succeed in a commitment to stop doing something.
Number one is to write down your commitment to not doing it. Writing it down makes it more official and it also engages other parts of your brain, other than just thinking about it.
The second thing is after writing that down, write down how you would benefit by not having that bad thing in your life anymore.
And the third tip is to engage an accountability partner who you can talk with, and who can hold you accountable for dropping whatever that bad thing is. If you don’t have an accountability partner of your own, I’d be happy to serve in that role… I always have time to help someone “stop doing that”.