Like most people, my wardrobe probably follows the 80-20 rule, where I probably wear 20% of the things that I own, 80% of the time.
I noticed a shirt in my closet that I hadn’t worn in months, and I decided to put it on.
I went to a breakfast and lunch place that day and when I walked in, the owner of the shop said, “Oh my god, I love that shirt!” and told me how much she likes the colors, “great shirt”, she said and I instantly felt better.
That one brief interaction with her and the compliment over something that clearly I should be wearing more, made me feel really good.
Aside from the advice of rotating through your closet more, and finding some items to wear that you might not have in regular rotation, if you notice something that somebody else is wearing that catches your eye, feel free to pay them the kind of compliment that I got.
You never know when doing so just might make someone’s day.
This one really made me smile. I work at the front desk of a local hospital as a volunteer and the other day an elderly woman probably in her late 80’s came in and had on a sparkly hat on her head. I complimented her and got the whole story on it. She was adorable and she thanked me for complimenting her. Sometimes just telling someone you like what they are wearing will uplift their spirits. It could be the only compliment they get. So you are right on Dr. Dave!! I am going to try your ‘secret’…finding something in my closet that I have not worn in awhile…
Thanks for taking the time to share that great story! It really makes such a difference!