I came across a quotation recently that really hit home, from the humorist and broadcaster Andy Rooney, who used to have a regular segment on “60 Minutes.” He said, “If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.”
The reason why it hit home is I’m reminded of so many personal moments where I remember something fondly, it could be something someone said to me, a funny joke, a funny incident, or just a nice memory that brings a smile to my face.
I hope that in your life you experience those kinds of moments often because those are the ones that truly matter, that when you smile and no one else is around, you really feel the pleasure of that memory or that thought.
Here are some ways you can generally increase the happiness in your life:
- Create a Gratitude Journal: One way to cultivate more of those genuine smiles is by keeping a gratitude journal. Take a few moments each day to write down things you’re thankful for, particularly those small moments that make you smile. Over time, you’ll build a collection of positive memories that you can revisit when you need a boost.
- Practice Mindfulness: Being mindful of the moment right in front of you can help you become more aware of the small joys in your daily life. Whether it’s savoring a cup of coffee, enjoying a sunset, or relishing a moment of silence, practicing mindfulness can help you appreciate and internalize these moments, leading to more of those spontaneous, meaningful smiles.
- Connect with Loved Ones: Sharing a special memory you have of someone in your family or social circle can deepen your appreciation for them. Reach out to friends or family members who were part of those moments or who bring joy to your life. A quick call, text, or especially a handwritten note can strengthen your connections and remind you of wonderful times you’ve shared.
I love that quote. It is those special moments that make us smile when no one is around that brings that joy moment back to us.
Well said, Kathleen, and thanks for taking the time to comment!