Every morning I take the same route to work, and I don’t know if I just have bad luck, but every day at the exact same intersection, I hit a red light, and I usually just stare at the red light until it changes to green. Sometimes I look over while I’m waiting and there’s […]
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How to Find Your Keys

There’s a story about a drunken man at night crawling around on his hands and knees on the sidewalk, under the streetlight. A police officer sees him and comes over to find out what’s wrong. The man says,” I dropped my keys.” The police officer offers to help him find them, and after a few […]
ask for help, finding keys, keys, storyHow to Get Opportunity to Knock at Your Door

One of my favorite quotations is from Milton Berle who said,” If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” It’s a reminder that if there’s something we really want in life, it requires some outside help from the world, and we don’t do anything about it, usually nothing happens. I believe very strongly that the universe […]
knock at door, milton berle, quoteThe Unexpected Benefit of Trying Something New

I read an article by an author who tried five different ways of making coffee at home to find the very best way to do it. What was interesting, wasn’t the five different ways that she tried, but in researching the different methods, she talked to some coffee experts and learned some really cool, new […]
coffee, new, trying something newOn the Road of Life, Aim High in Steering

Back in high school I took one of those Triple A driving courses that included watching films that seem like they had been made about 30 years before, with different driving tips. One of those tips was called “Aim high in steering”. And the idea was that, in addition to steering the car based on […]
driving, driving course, Motivation, steering3 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

One of the keys to a healthy lifestyle is getting a good night sleep, but a lot of people find it difficult to fall asleep at night, and that may apply to you as well. Here are three things you can do to fall asleep faster at night. Stop using electronics. Turn them off and […]
falling asleep, Productivity, Sleep, tipsDo You Need a “Fake” Commute?

If you’re like many people right now, you are working from home all or some of the time. If you previously had a commute, the good news is you are no longer spending that time on the road. The bad news is a lot of people are discovering that that commute actually was beneficial. Not […]
commute, fake commute, Productivity, work from homeHow to Eat Chocolate

My brother, Robbie, who passed away in 1999, was a connoisseur of many things, including chocolate. And he would eat chocolate in threes, three pieces at a time. His reasoning was that if you’re only going to limit yourself to one piece of chocolate, you might as well not even bother. The first piece just […]
chocolate, discipline, eating, eating chocolateCan Smiling Make You Happy?

We all know that when we’re happy, that can make us smile. But can simply smiling make you happy? And the answer, according to many researchers, is an emphatic YES. The reason is that when you smile, it sends a signal back to the brain that there is humor happening. So simply smiling can set […]
emotion, happy, research, smiling3 Things to Do if You Feel Stuck in a Career

One of the great minds in psychology, Sigmund Freud said,” the tasks of healthy adulthood are to work and to love, but a lot of people don’t love where they work, they are in jobs where they feel stuck in a bad situation and don’t know what to do about it.” If that describes you, […]
career, job situation, stuck