There are messages all around us in the universe and I believe it’s our job to make meaning out of what those messages are. For example, I have a friend named coffee and coffee often has a little message for me on the side of the container. In this case, it’s a Pete’s Coffee Decaffeinated […]
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It’s Never Too Late to Pursue a Dream
The legendary founder of Wendy’s restaurants, Dave Thomas, was known for many things including his entrepreneurial spirit and being the humble pitch man for his restaurant chain. Something not so well known is that he dropped out of high school at the age of 15 so that he could work full time. Years later he […]
dream, goal, Motivation, motivational, wendysRemember to Reward Yourself
I was reminded the other day of an old commercial for Hershey’s Kisses, where a famous actor ties one of his shoes and very satisfied with that accomplishment, says,” I deserve a Hershey’s kiss.” And he ties his other shoe and he rewards himself with another Hershey’s kiss. It’s a reminder of something simple that […]
acknowledge, chocolate, rewardKeep This in Mind as You Travel Life’s Roads
In the neighborhood where I grew up, there was a fork in the road, and whether you went to the left or to the right, you would eventually wind up on our street. Even though both roads eventually went to the same place, people who always went to the left had very specific reasons they […]
advice, life's road, travelThe Question You Don’t Ask Can’t Be Answered
There’s a joke about a man who calls a house and a little kid answers and says,” Hello.” The man says,” Is your mother there?” The kid says,” Yes.” The man says,” Can I talk to her?” The kid says,” No, she’s busy.” The man says,” Is your father there?” The kid says,” Yes.” The […]
ask, joke, questionHow to Make Someone a Legend
In the 1979 comedy movie “A Little Romance”, Sir Laurence Olivier plays a devilish, but charming character named Julius. Julius has shared a legend with two young characters in the movie who believe him, but later find out that the legend is a lie. When they confront him about the lie, Julius says,” What are […]
legends, powerful, sharingTry, Try Again
I was walking through an empty parking lot outside the Starbucks the other day and saw the following: Someone pulled into the lot, got out of his car, and walked up to the front door. It was dark inside, nobody there. He tried the front door and found it locked. He looked inside again and […]
mindset, Motivation, persistence, tryListening with the Third Ear
In his excellent book Listening with the Third Ear, the analyst Theodor Reik makes the point that sometimes people who seem to be seeking advice or actually looking for permission to do something they’ve already decided to do. You will know that’s happening when someone who comes to you with advice already has a solution, […]
Communication, ListeningBe a “Touchstone” for Others
In ancient times, there was something called a “touchstone.” This was a dark colored stone was used to determine the purity of gold or silver that was scraped across it, based on the color that it would produce. In life, you can be a touchstone for the people that you care about by reflecting back […]
leader for others, sharing, touchstoneHow to Solve Problems with a Fortune Cookie
Sometimes, when trying to solve a problem, you can hit a wall. The answers or the solutions just aren’t coming to you, no matter how much you think about it. And that can be really frustrating. One way of dealing with this is to look around your world for some random phrase or idea that […]
decision making, Decisions, fortune cookie