The saga of embattled New York mayoral candidate and former US Congressman Anthony Weiner has been chronicled minute by minute in print, online and on broadcast news channels. While sex-related scandals involving politicians seem as old as politics itself, the story of Weiner’s sexting (most recently with Sydney Leathers) has a lesson for leaders in […]
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What you can learn from the “100 Best Companies to Work For”

After surveying 280 firms, totaling over 246,000 employees, Fortune Magazine named the top 100 companies to work for in 2012. What do the top employers have in common? A few things; child care, encouraging environments throughout the employee ranks, and health program opportunities (ranging from on-site gyms, massages, acupuncture, free access to nutritional foods, to […]
What making a cup of coffee can teach you about peak performance.

Research has shown that measuring something is the start of improving it, and this post explains how you can apply that to everything from making a cup of coffee to radically improving your professional performance.
Love with Impact: The Surprise Gift

Have you ever been delightfully surprised by someone? I was several years ago, and I still remember it clearly. A friend of mine was looking to sell his house. I referred him to a friend of mine, Lisa, who is a real estate broker. Ultimately, he didn’t use Lisa to sell his house, but the […]
What to do when you’re too SCARED to delegate.

Best-selling business author Harvey Mackay wrote an excellent piece in his “Swim with the Sharks” column in July 13-19 issue of the Philadelphia Business Journal about delegation Entitled, “When You Delegate, You Elevate,” it’s a commonsense look at (a) why it makes solid business sense to delegate, and (b) how to do it. Of course […]
What do YOU think but do not say?
In one of the more memorable scenes (of many) in the movie Jerry Maguire, Jerry stays up all night in a hotel room writing his “manifesto.” It’s all the things he thinks about business and taking care of customers that he thinks no one talks about. He titles his piece “The Things We Think But […]
Enhanced Persuasion and Negotiation Skills

Have you ever wanted to be a much better negotiator? To create more effective teams in your company? To communicate much more persuasively in your business and personal life? If you did possess the skills to do those things better, how would your life be better and richer? If you’re interested in how the smartest […]
Looking Back at You

THE BIOGRAPHIES OF well-known leaders prove something you may have always believed: If you want to know why an adult is the way they are, look at their childhood. That’s exactly what Mark Leibovitch did more than 10 years ago for a Washington Post profile of Steve Case, the reclusive, competitive genius who was then […]
Coaching is a “rough business.” Really?

WIP sports talk radio in Philadelphia this morning played what they said was a comment by Andy Reid, head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles, in response to two recent firings of NFL head coaches. “It’s a rough business,” he replied. Really? Being a US soldier in Afghanistan is a rough business. Being a police officer […]
Taking the Pulse of Your Organization
One of the keys to keeping turnover low is creating and maintaining an environment where your employees love (or at least like) to come to work every day. And the best way to find out how much they like working for you is to ask them. But many leaders are afraid to solicit feedback more […]