In the township in southeastern Pennsylvania where I live, the parking meters have a button on them that says “Press For Free Time.” If you press that button, the meter starts counting down from ten minutes. And you often see people after pushing that button rushing around trying to accomplish all the things they can […]
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Four Quick Cures For Election Anxiety
In a survey by the American Psychological Association, more than half of US adults (56%) reported significant stress related to the 2020 presidential election. It is not surprising that this percentage was an increase over the 2016 election (52% reported election-related stress). And it is not surprising that so many people feel anxiety about the […]
election, Stress, stress managementUse “Time Blocking” to Become More Efficient
One of my favorite concepts in psychology is called “Parkinson’s Law.” It suggests that work will expand to fill the time that was allotted for it. You might think of it as a measure of inefficiency. For example, if we leave three hours to do something, that tends to be the amount of time […]
efficient, leadership, time, time managementWhat a Monkey Can Teach About The Importance of Sharing a Burden
A longtime New York City psychotherapist Robert Akeret wrote a book called Tales From a Traveling Couch. In it, he describes a cartoon; In the first frame, a man is riding on his bicycle to his therapist’s appointment and there’s a monkey on the man’s back. It’s a representation of a problem or burden that […]
gettinghelp, help, sharingHow to Help Someone Who is Stressed
Whether or not you are feeling stressed at this time, there are likely people in your life who are coming to you with the things that they are stressed or worried about. Here are three things you can do to help them: First, if somebody contacts you to talk about the things that they’re upset […]
coping, Stress, stress management, stressedYou Can Go Anywhere You Want
If I ask you to imagine yourself right now standing in front of the Eiffel Tower holding an ice cream cone with your favorite ice cream in it, you could probably do that quite easily, even if you’ve never been to the Eiffel Tower. The mind has an amazing ability to imagine and conjure and […]
imagination, visualization, visualizeThe Write Stuff
One of the ways people are reducing social isolation is by connecting on social media… A very effective way that I have found to reduce that isolation is not high-tech, but it is high-touch, and that’s to write personal notes to people. Sometimes it’s just a note telling them that you are thinking about them […]
notes, WritingThe Stress Solution
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Stress, stress managementThe 5 Great Rules of Leadership
There are hundreds and hundreds of books available on effective leadership. And the number of books sold seems to be more of a reflection on the size of the market for management help than the number of key principles of effective management. So who am I to tell you what the 5 great rules are? […]
leadership, Leadership Development, leadership skillsKeeping a Journal
One of the most important things I do is writing regular notes about major projects, my practice, my personal life, and more. Journaling – and I write mine longhand and using a manual typewriter – is something I’ve been doing since childhood. And it’s not the act of going back through them that I find […]
Journal, Leadership Development, Writing