In Mitch Albom’s book The Five People You Meet in Heaven, the main character, Eddie, passes away and in the afterlife he meets with five people from his life and has conversations with each one of them that are Illuminating in some way about his character or other issues. And what’s interesting, is in at […]
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The Book Thing

Barnes and Noble had opened a new bookstore in Center City, Philadelphia and it’s part of a plan to open 30 new bookstores. The interesting thing about the design of this store, and the company’s new direction, is to focus more on book things that are important to people in the local areas, where the […]
barnes and nobles, book, books, readKeep Smiling!

I was looking up a quotation in a book called “How Shall I Say It” for a piece that I was writing and when I opened this book up, I realized it had belonged to my grandfather, and the author of the book had written an inscription to my grandfather in here. The author, Ross […]
book, keep smiling, ross stover, smile, temple, temple universityThe Little Free Library

On my way to work, there is one of those little free libraries that you may have seen on people’s lawns. It’s a box on a post with a door that has a window in it, and on the shelves, people leave books and take books that they’re interested in. It’s an awesome concept and […]
book, free library, library, read, readingWiping The Slate Clean

I was trying to free up some space on my iPad the other day and I deleted all the emails that were in one account. When I opened my laptop, I realized that those emails weren’t just deleted off the iPad, they were deleted out of the account entirely, and after I got over the […]
book, bookcase, cleaning out, removingNo Love Was Ever Wasted

In Gabriel Garcia Marquez book “Love In the Time of Cholera”, the main character is frustrated in trying to give a box of chocolates to a love interest. He tries for months every day, and frustrated at his failure, he hands them to a complete stranger and says, “this is for a love going all […]
advice, book, love, no love wasted, quoteWhy You Should Re-Read a Favorite Book

A very smart friend of mine, who’s an avid reader, recently recommended rereading a favorite book. When I did that, there were two things that were cool about it, and a third kind of unexpected thing that happened. The two things that were cool was just enjoying again the plot and the story that I […]
advice, book, reading, rereading