Although the Pandemic has separated many employees from one another and from their supervisors/leaders, the need for effective and timely feedback is more important now than ever. With feedback, as with comedy, timing is everything. When you’re giving constructive feedback (including positive feedback, although I’m focusing on constructive criticism below), try to give that feedback […]
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Management: Taking The Pulse of Your Organization

One of the keys to keeping turnover low is creating and maintaining an environment where your employees love (or at least like) to come to work every day. And the best way to find out how much they like working for you is to ask them. But many managers are afraid to solicit feedback more […]
constructive feedback, Employee Turnover, Feedback3 Quick Tips for Giving Constructive Feedback

Giving constructive or critical feedback can be one of the more challenging tasks a leader faces. It can be tough to say it the right way, and we’re never totally sure how the feedback receiver is going to accept what we’re saying. Here are three tips you can use the next time you need to […]
constructive feedback, Critical feedback, FeedbackHow to Give Constructive Feedback

When you are in a leadership role, you are frequently in the position of giving other people critical feedback. And in criticism, as in comedy, timing is everything. When you’re giving constructive feedback (including positive feedback, although I’m focusing on constructive criticism below), try to give that feedback as soon as possible. Here’s why: The […]
Coaching, constructive feedback, Feedback, ListeningHappy Trails: What to Do When a Popular Employee Leaves

It’s amazing how much the presence of just one person can influence a team. If the person has a negative influence, teams are often relieved when they leave and may regroup without much help from leaders. It’s much trickier, however, when a highly respected, well-liked employee leaves. Depending on their reason for leaving, employees may […]
Feedback, Popular employee, Team