In a business journal published by the Wharton School, they looked back at two studies that had to do with whether money can buy happiness. And in looking back and reconsidering the data that was there, the takeaway was that if somebody is already happy, more money can make them happier and if somebody is […]
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“Happiness Often Sneaks In”

A quotation I read recently was from John Barrymore, the actor, and it was “happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open.” It captures so many awesome things about the surprise of happiness coming into our lives, but also through something that we did, by leaving that door open. It […]
happiness, john barrymore, open doorWhat’s Your Average Happiness?

I was reading in a personal finance book that a person’s salary tends to be the average of the salaries of the people closest to them. This might be a statistical anomaly. It’s probably the case that in our lives, all kinds of things tend to be the average of the things of the people […]
average, happiness, salaryA Chance Encounter Illustrates Three Keys to Happiness

I was flying back from Charlotte after delivering a seminar for a client, seated in the last row of the plane in an aisle seat. When we landed, I stood up getting ready to get off the plane, and there was a young woman in the seat across the aisle in the same row asking […]
experience, happiness, positivityLaughter is the Best Medicine

In Norman Cousins’ classic bestseller Anatomy of an Illness is Perceived by the Patient, he describes how he overcame a debilitating disease by using, among other things, high doses of laughter. He did that by watching funny movies and television shows to increase the amount that he would laugh because that was shown to have […]
anxiety, comedy, happiness, laughter